Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week in Squamish!


Click to Read —> World Health Organization & UNICEF - World Breastfeeding Week 2019 Message

I have always been super passionate about breastfeeding. The more I learn, the more fascinated I am.

Sadly though, the breastfeeding support, education, and awareness that the world needs is simply not up to par. So many are missing out on the opportunity to breastfeed their babies because they simply did not have the support they needed. Perhaps they had to go back to work too soon. Or their employer did not accommodate their pumping needs. Or they were told to supplement with formula too soon. Or maybe their care providers did not know how to support them in their breastfeeding journey, and failed to refer out to someone who could.

The misinformation out there about breastfeeding is absolutely rampant. If you want to breastfeed (not everybody does - and that is perfectly 100% okay!), you may need to seek the support you need, beyond traditional care providers. Historically, the breastfeeding education of doctors, OBs, nurses etc. is kind of all over the place. That’s why IBCLCs exist! (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants).

An IBCLC is a healthcare professional who specializes in the clinical management of breastfeeding.

There is also La Leche League!

''La Leche League meetings are the heart of the organization. They are free, informal discussion groups, held in homes or at easily accessible public locations, that cover the practical, physical, and psychological aspects of breastfeeding.... LLL gatherings are a wonderful place for information and encouragement, and a ready source of new friendships among mothers who automatically have a lot in common. Your questions on any topic are welcome; they never need to wait! There are usually several mothers who can offer insights or suggestions from their own experience – or at least who have the same questions, which is reassuring too.” 

from the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding, 2010, pg. 442

And lucky for us in Squamish, our very own Kimberly Daniels (Lunamama Doula Services) is an LLC leader! Check out this Facebook page to see the upcoming meetings: La Leche League Squamish & Whistler.


I hope this outlines just a few of the resources available. PLEASE reach out to me if you have any questions, or require additional resources.

Over the coming week, I hope there will be lots of discussion about breastfeeding, and how we can support, educate, and normalize breastfeeding for our new and growing families.