
Squamish Baby Photographer Places in the Top 10% of Shoot & Share Photography Contest - Worldwide!


Hello lovely Squamish people...remember that time I entered the Shoot & Share contest at the absolute last second?

As a matter of fact, I entered BEYOND the last second...I had been loosely planning to enter when it came around, but life got busy and I put it off. I didn't have any particular images in mind. But it was a moot point - I found out I had missed the deadline. I was so disappointed.

But then! As I was scrolling Instagram ("But honey, I'm NOT just wasting time on Social Media, I am building up my business! You know, EXPOSURE and BRAND AWARENESS!?") I saw that the deadline has been extended. YESSSS!

I scrambled to my desk and pulled up a chair. I was at a loss on what I should enter. I didn't have that much time to read the rules or categories or descriptions. I didn't have time to go through everything I had ever shot. I didn't have time to formulate a strategy for how to get this Squamish photographer on the map! I just aimlessly went through my archives and thought "yeah, that one!" 

In my hurried state, I compiled 50 photos (the maximum you can enter - and you even get an "All In" badge for doing so!) I painstakingly resized them to meet the requirements. As I was uploading and categorizing them all, I was SO CLOSE to running out of the extra time I had been given - I wasn't even sure if I was going by the correct time zone. I just wanted to get it done, and the whole time I knew full well that my entries may not count. Creatives are some of the worst procrastinators I know, and I am basically the Mayor of Procrastination Town.

There was also some contest controversy regarding what constitutes "family friendly." Blow-up sex dolls vs breastfeeding. DING DING DING, FIGHT!!!

Though at the last second, it was decided that areola and breastfeeding photos WERE in fact, going to be allowed into the competition. 

Luckily, I made it. All of my entries were accepted, and voting began! I spent so much time trying to decide between my favourites. The evenings I spent telling myself to get to work, but instead hours floated by as I voted for my favourite of 4 images. I was addicted, and it was so, so fun. 

I am glad I got the opportunity to participate in this contest. 

I am extremely elated to say, I had 2 photos place in the Top 10%! The thing I love most about this, both of the photos were entered in the "Birth & Newborn" category. This is significant because in the 2016 contest, Birth photos were not included in this contest. This was brand new, uncharted territory for our genre of photography. To finally be included and accepted made my heart swell with joy! However, BECAUSE we were lumped in with posed Newborns (you know, babies in baskets, frog poses, headbands) we all thought, HOW could raw & real birth images compete with sterile, clean, studio images? But compete, they did. You will just have to see for yourself! I will include the link to the results at the bottom of this post. 

This Squamish Photographer *raises hand* also had 1 photo in the Top 20%, and 4 photos in the Top 30% of each category they were entered in! 

If this is how I placed without much thought, imagine where I will go, next year (when I plan ahead). Hello, my name is Katia and I'm a procrastinator. I am already excited for next year! 

Have a look at my top entries and let me know what you think in the comments!